Lightning Talks Fraser Binns, The Botany Question for Knot Floer Homology Sarah Blackwell, Triple Knot Grid Diagrams Nicholas Cazet, Measure homology Jacob Caudell, Lens space surgeries, lattices, and the Poincaré homology sphere Tam Cheetham-West, Hyperbolic 4-manifolds with boundary Shintaro Fushida-Hardy, Combinatorial proofs and genus bounds Thomas Kindred, Obstructing smooth multisections of n-manifolds Feride Ceren Kose, Symmetric Unions and Jones Polynomial Vincent Longo, Infinitely many counterexamples to Batson’s conjecture Clayton McDonald, Doubly slice links Kai Nakamura, Trace embeddings from 0-surgery homeomorphisms Patrick Naylor, Gluck twists of roll spun knots Minh Nguyen, 3/2 Spinors on 4-manifolds and finite dimensional approximation Seppo Niemi-Colvin, Invariance of Knot Lattice Homology Braeden Reinoso, Capping off open books and fractional Dehn twist coefficients Agniva Roy, Constructions and isotopies of high dimensional Legendrian spheres Benjamin Matthias Ruppik, Ribbon 2-knots and Casson-Whitney unknotting